Cross Training: 1, 000 WOD's To Make You Fitter, Faster, Stronger
Cross training - 1,000 wod's to make you fitter, faster, strongerthis is your one-stop guide to cross training. this book will not only introduce you to this amazingly effective and often transformative sport, but it offers you 1,000 sample workouts to choose from. i will also show you how to design your on wod's. so, once you've worked your way through all 1,000 wod's, you can continue to develop your own. the pain never ends!i break down the 1,000 wod's into beginner, intermediate, and advanced workout categories. within each of these categories you will find several more subcategories, encompassing all of the sports that influence cross training, and allowing for anyone to find plenty of wods of interest. this book isn't just about the wods. i focus on what cross training is, workout frequency, implementing a weekly or monthly training plan, and the often overlooked warm ups (preparations) and cool downshere's a preview of what's insidewhat is cross training?benefits to cross traininghow to use this bookworkout programmingterminologypreparationsbodyweight wods / little to no equipmentbasic barbell wodsrunning wodssingle element wodsdouble element wodsintermediate mixed wodsgymnastics wodsrowing wodsswimming wodskettlebell wodsdumbbell wodsbenchmark wodsemom (every minute on the minute) wodstriple element wodstabata wodsolympic lifting wodsstrongman wodspowerlifting wodsheros wodschipper wodscreate your own wodscool downand so much moreget your copy today to receive all of this information. just scroll to the top of the page and select the buy button